07 de maig 2012

Next station: Kilkenny!!

This summer, I'm going to Irland with my friend Judit Aymà, for two weeks in August. 
We will go there because we want to improve our english level, our pronuntation and more over, we want to life an incredible expirence, so we have decided to go abroad for few days. 
We will go to Kilkenny, a city situated in the midle of Dublin and Cork. We will go each one in a differents families, so we will be separated, but it doesn't worry me, because I think that this will be a good experience for us and for our future.
During the week, we are going to do classes in the morning, and then, after luch, we are going to play sports, do activities, among other things that I don't know yet. 
At weekends, we are going to visit the most important and popular places. A part from that, I think that on Sundays, we will stay with our family all the day (I think so).

There are only about three month and a half to go and seems to lack at eternity.

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