25 de maig 2012

Piano audition!!;)

Last Wednesday, I did a piano audition at the music school of l'Escala. At first, I wasn't nervous, but when my turn came, I was really nervous. My heart beat very fast, my hands were sweating and trembling. I played a theme from Heller, called nº3. 
I played the last one and when I sat down at the piano and I started, I was nervous. I made some mistakes but apart from that, I continued with the piece. At the end of the interpretation I stood up and I did a curtsy infront of everybody. They applauded me and the audition was over.
It was my last piano audation because next year, I think that I will stop doing piano clases because I haven't got time for study the pieces. 
Playing the piano involves a lot of time spent studying and next year, I'll have not time to studying piano. 
It's a big pity, but maybe, in a few years I'll return to study piano.

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