23 de març 2013

The last sprint!

It's time to decide our own way, to be strong and to study hard. It's time to improve ourself. 
The last term has started and with that, everyone has to exert oneself cause in two months aproximately we will finish second batxillerat and our marks has to be fairly good if we want to get a perfect final marks. 
In my case, I have to improve a lot or if not try to get better marks, as during the course I have been pass with low marks and I want to increase that ones. I had been study always and in my point of view, I did it hard, but my marks weren't which ones that i want, so this term I will put my 100% to get better ones. It won't be easy but I will try and then, I'm sure that I will be content in myself. 
After finish, we have to study really hard for selectivitat exams as in three days, we have to test of all the course. It will be crazy!!!
But first of all, I have to improve my marks or, least try it!! 

Last term: here I go!!!

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