14 d’abril 2013

Formal letter

14 Empori Road
Sant Pere Pescador
The Secretary
Spanish Government
342 Royal Street

Dear Mr. Rajoy, 
I am writing to expose some points to improve, in my point of view, the way of guide our country, Spain. 

All of us know the situation that nowadays affect us, and it is so alarming. 
On the one hand, hundred of persons live in the streets without money, houses or food. Thousands, have not a minimum salary, and millions, have not got a job.
On the other hand, tax increase considerately and politicians and people with high position like directors of multinationals keep their salary while their employees are under the minimum wage.

That is why I therefore to reduce the extratosferic salaries of some people, to eliminate the expenses of politicians and a lot of inecesary extras more. 
All in all, it has to reorganize the economical and political system of our country urgently. I hope we can get out of crisis early. 

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely, 

Marina Costa Cañadas

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