16 de setembre 2011

My presentation!

Hello everybody!!
My name's Marina Costa and my nicknames for some of my friends are "Marilin" or "Costa", but in fact, I prefer my real name: Marina. Now, I'm sixteen years old but for some people I seem older and I belive that I look smaller; maybe it's because I don't want to grow up!
I live in Sant Pere Pescador, a small town near the beach where the river Fluvià crosses the village, with my familiy and my striking and small dog called Trasto. I have a lot of hobbies but the most important are playing the piano (still I don't have enough time), singing and playing volleyball with my team of St. Pere. 
Moreover, I study first of science and technology batxillerat in Castelló d'Empúries, the town next to mine. 

My resolutions for this year, are working hard to get a satisfactory mark on final evaluations and especially, pass second of batxillerat. 

And this is my life and everything that surrounds myself. Maybe it isn't the best life for everybody, but it's mine and I love it!

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