31 d’octubre 2011

Summer job!

During July I worked  like a monitor in a summer casal only the mornings with the most smaller childs.. It was the most beatiful expirence I ever had, because works with chids is wonderful! 
The first day was on fist of July and it was a bit annoyed anf very sad, as the childs didn’t know us (not everybody) and they cried a littel for their parents. After some hours, the childs were happy and they didn’t want  come back home. 
The rest of the month was fantasitc and every day was more fun and sad, as the child knew you more, so the wanted to play more with us. Some days they were unbearable and pest but they were lovely all the time. 
In this month, we did the traditional playback, wich childs dance in frot of their parents, friends and grandpas some songs that they choosed, we went to a summer camp in Banyoles for 2 days with four casals more of Alt Empordà and finally we did the “porxada” , where we slept a night in the same school with all together. 
It was a great and a fantastic month around nice and loving childs!!:)

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