31 d’octubre 2011


Last Sunday I went to Banyoles with my volleyball team to play our first match in our life. We arrived there at quarter past nine so we had to get up at seven, for left at 9 o'clock.
When we arrived there, there weren't anybody, but we had to changed and then we came in at volleyball court.
We were training and suddenly the other team came in. The other girls were older than our but it doesn't matter.
When we started, we were winning 0-1 the first set, but after, we lost the second and the fourth set.
A volleyball match has got three sets of 25 points each, and for winning is necessary to win three sets for team. If both teams end up with the same marks, then, another set will be played but this time until 15 points.
The team which win the final set, will win the match.
In our case, we empated 2-2 and in the last set, we lost 15 points to 13 points. What a pitty.
But still lost, we played very well and it was so fun!

PD: we are waiting the next match impatiently!!

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