10 de novembre 2011

Scusa ma ti chiamo amore!!

Perdona si et dic amor, is a romance novel from the italian author Federico Moccia wich it’s translate in a lot of languages around the world. 

The story talks about a relationship between two very different people. Alex, a publicist of 40 years old, a serious man who had a life a little dark, and who has just separated form his wife since some years together. On the other side, Niki is a young, beautiful and adolescent girl who is 17 years old, and she studies in the university. She thinks that Alex will be the lover of her life.

The story starts when the two characters meet one morning when Alex goes to work with his car and crashes with Niki accidentaly, who is drinving her motorbike to university.
Quickly, the meeting  leads to an intense relationship , where Niki came to change everything ... including she averts the sadness of Alex and she makes him forget the woman who left him after many years of  loving.
However, twenty years of difference between them remains a problem and it puts them backs to the wall. Alex decide to returns to his routine and life safety if ordered with former partner. 

Niki just need get ready for final exams and for celebrate hers 18 birthday, with  she hopes that Alex be able to distinguish the true love and security that he has never laughed so much as when he is with her. 

Throughout the novel, the characters live many romantic moments together that despite the large age difference, they do excite readers around the world.

In my opinion, Perdona si et dic amor, I think which is a romantic and passionate novel that brings the magic of love beyond the more than 500 words of the book, transmiting to the general public the really nice story that continues in the second part , Perdona però em vull casar amb tu.

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