18 de novembre 2011

Thirteen vs Adrian Mole!!

During this first term, we've seen the film Thirteen and we have read the book of Adrian Mole.
There are some similar thinghs, which connect them and I think that the most important is sex. 
Adrian Mole is a 13 and 3/4 boy, who had a difficult and a poor family. his parents are separeted and he must cope with it. The same happens to Traycy, who is a teenage girl who wants to be popular, and for that, she lost all her friends. Her parents are separeted, too.  
A part of these principal ideas, their life is around sex, money and lovers.
Adrian has a girlfriend and he has his first wet dream, and Traycy changes all her life and she becomes a revelious girl. Now, her world is surrounded bad influencies. She drinks, she smokes, she takes drungs, and she is only thirteen years old. 
   Definetly, both stories are similar and their life is special from the rest of the teenagers. 

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