13 de novembre 2011

LODVG Concert!!

On October, I went to see La Oreja de Van Gogh Concert with Joana and Eva, in Fontejau Sports Center in Girona. We went there on Friday night at 21:30 p.m and we left from there at midnight. 
It was a magnific concert,  and the singer ( Leire) was spectacular like the others components. 
LODVG group was created in 1996 and they are from San Sebastián. In 2008 Leire, the actual singer, entered in it, as the singer (Amaia) left from it. During these years, they have brought out  several CD’s like “A las cinco en la astoria” and the last one “Cometas por el cielo”. 
The last one album is a new electric stage which has more than 11 songs and it was posted on 13th of September of 2011. 
The concert which I went, was fantastic, incredible, beautiful and a lot of nice adjectives more could describe it. We had pased a great hours singing and dancing at the rhythm of music and I tought that the rest of the public too. 
By the way, we were lucky that the group played old songs, because we didn’t know almost any song from the new album.
PD: Joana and Eva took a lot of photos like always!!

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