19 de març 2012

My 3th term resolutions!!

The second term finished and my notes are a bit bad, because I fail two subjects: filosophy and physical.
All started on Febrary, when I did my first exams in each subject. I failed a chemical exam and then, I was completly down. Althought I had studied a lot, I coudn't pass, and I anxious me for my results.  It was really terrible,  and those weeks never ended.
Then, I retrieved and I improved my results in almost all of the exams, but it was so sad, as in some exams I had a great notes, but a cause of my first bad notes exams, my final marks are low.
It's a disappointment for me as I always drew a good marks and, in this term it coudn't be possible.:(
In the final term that it has been started, I hope to improve my notes and especially my final marks, as they are really important for my future. I promise myself to don't surrended and fight for get a good marks. 
I know that I can !!

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