04 d’abril 2012

Happy 50 years!!:)

Last 25th of March was the birthday of my uncle Josep Costa, and he made 50 years, so his family decided to make at him a surprise party. It celebrated on the 24th night in El Molí de l'Escala, a beautiful and typical catalan farmhouse in the entrance of l'Escala. 
Some months before, his family ( their brothers and their sister, and their respectives sisters-in-law and brother-in-law too, prepared some special things for that night. My mother was making a digital album from my uncle's childhood to now, so we had to searched a lot of old photos and scan them into the computer. Then, my aunt prepared a storybook composed with 25 photographies with two line in each one, among other things. 
When my uncle arrived, about 60 persons were waiting in the restaurant, so he was really surprised. 

It was an emotive night that he will never forget!

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