23 de setembre 2012


This summer has finished and as everyone, I return to the last course of high school.
On July I worked in an office in Can Pipa during all the mornings and then, in the afternoons I did my project of research, I went to the beach and in my swimming pool like most of my friends.
Then, in August I went to Ireland for two weeks with my friend Judit. We stayed in Kilkenny (small city between Dublin and Cork). I lived in a big house situated near Thomastown (a very small town) and we were alone in the middle of the countryside. Our neighbors were only cows, sheeps and horses but it didn't matter as the sights were incredibles!
During those weeks I met a lot of new people, I improved my english (especially my pronuntation and speaking) and I visited beautiful places as Dublin, Kilkenny City, Glendalough among other places. More over, we could played and practised the traditional sports of Ireland, as hurling and gaelic football.
Those weeks were fantastic and my host family were magnificant! I will never forget this experience!!
Weeks after my return, I started 2nd of batxillerat, and here I am again, writting in my blog!!

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