17 d’octubre 2012

Skydiver Felix Baumgartner breaks sound barrier!

Last Sunday afternoon a 43 years old man called Felix Baumgartner became the first skydriver to go faster than the speed of sound, reaching a maximum velocity of 1342Km/h. He got the highest jump record as with a helium ballon which was raising him for more that two hours which reached the highest height achieved until now (39000 meteres). Furthermore, he smashed the record for the highest ever freefall.
The descend took about 10 minutes for him and 4 minutes and 19 seconds of these ones, were only in freefall.
   In my view, Felix is a bit crazy man, as nobody would do that, but however he is a really adventured man. A part from doing this new world record, he did another ones very impactant too in his life, and if he hadn't done that, maybe people wouldn't know anything about science as the best way to understand it, is to seeing and make it real. Thanks to this jump and freefall, scientifics and people in general may investigate more about space travel especially in travel to the moon. 

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