17 de novembre 2012

Alarming cases of skin cancer, increases amoung young people.

The incidence of skin cancer among young people , especially melanoma, the most serious, has increased alarmingly. A thousand of doctors around the world gathered in BCN , and they concluded that the situation could still  worse over the coming years. Experts say that the skin has memory, so the cancer can appear years later.
First of all, I belive that our skin is really delicated, so people should be conscious of this. If not, people could have serious problems with it, specially the children.
In my case, I'm really conscious with the sun, as my mum always has talked to me about it. I always put on my body sun cream when I go to the beach or to the swimming pool. Moreover my family and I try not to go to the beach at time of increased solar radiation and for that, the likelihood of skin related diseases decreases in our body.

Be conscious about it, cause your health is in your hands.

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