04 de novembre 2012

Time to say goodbye:(

Now a days, I'm studying second of technologic batxillerat and it's a hard year where I have to be really concentrated and study a lot. For this reason, this year is and it will be a bit different, as I decided to left my piano lessons and my music lessons to have more time to study. Maybe it seems that it's a stupid idea but when someone is studing music since she had 7 years old and suddenly, this person recognizes that music has to have less importance, it's a bit sad. The first days and weeks were easy as it didn't matter if you coudn't play the piano as there were weeks before when I didn't play the instrument (in summer for example), but when you are months without playing the piano, you feel a little strange. There are moments which you are really angry or just sad and you want to play the piano only for a few minutes because it's a short time where all problems and thoughts go away, but now, you can't find this little moments as studies are in fact the most important.
   Fortunately, I've got a piano in my house so I can play it such as i want, but it's not the same as when you're infront of the piano of the music school. This feeling change and it's precisely which is missing in me. 

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