23 de febrer 2013

Self evaluation:) ( the last one)

My last english presentation in the high school has finished, and at the first impresion it was fairly good!! It was about my research project: Photovoltaics Solar Power. In it, I made the memory project and then in the practical part I did diferents things.
On the one hand, I built two solar ovens, one with carboard and the other one with wood, and on the other hand, I studied the production of energy (during a year) of the photovoltaic plant in Can Pipa. 
As always, I started a bit nervous but as I talked it decreased (not enought). My body and in special my hands and my voice were trembling a little bit but not so much as the last one presentation. The vocabulary of it was very technical and for that reason I had some problems with my pronunciation Apart from these “mistakes” I could finish my presentation ten minutes later. 
   A point to remark, too, is that I didn’t have a good body language, as my eye contact was scarce (I didn’t realize until I saw my video), and it is due to be ashamed to talk in Englisg in front of an audience. For that, I need to practise my pronunciation and belive more in me!

I will improve all my mistakes and I am sure that then, I will be a perfect speaker especially in English.

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