11 de maig 2013

Interview - dialogue

We are situated in a theater presenting the MTV music awards, but before that, I'll interview one of the nominated to know how they feel, ...

I: interviewer //  C: Carly Rae

I- Welcome everybody!! My name is Melissa and I'll be the presentator of this 15th edition of MTV music awards! Are you ready? So..let's go to see how they walk and pose on the red carpet. [...] Here we have the first one!
Good afternoon Carly Rae Japesen, you look incredible!
C- Hello Melissa! hahahah I wear a Chanel dress, well..a spectacular red dress with small diamond earring that make me shine.
I- Wow!! They are amazing! So boys, call her maybe cause she is single nowadays!
C- Ahahahhaha, you know, it's the first time that someone makes this variation. Ahahahah it's a good one.
I- Well Carly, I've got a question for you, that it intrigues me since I saw the video. How could you record "Call me maybe" with those amazing handsome boy? I couldn't do it.
C- I completely agree with your opinion. When I saw him (I refer to the first time), my heart stopped for a few seconds. I was thinking: it's not really, ...Carly wake up! But then, I realized that I wasn't dreaming, it was true. The first recordings were hard but then,  I was adapting. In my opinion it was harder recording the video with the Hollister boys.!
I- Yes..no only one exceptional boy, but twenty of them! A M A Z I N G! Now Carly, it's time to say goodbye. Thanks a lot to give us two minutes of your life and good luck with the prizes. 
C- You're welcome Melissa! See you in another festival. Kisses to everyone. 

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