12 de maig 2013

My english competence in 2013!

During approximately 2 scholar years I've writing diferent types of compositions; some of them yoursays, another ones pieces of news, tasks and comments. More than 100 compositions have been wrote by me and only the best ones are linked at the bottom of this one. Doing this blog as an obligated way permitted improve my level of English and thankful to that, now I've got a good one level ! If it wouldn't be obligated, I'm sure I wouldn't write so much as we can see nowadays. 
At first, making this blog seems quite hard and boring and a waste of time but I'm completely disagreement of my first impression. It  makes me improve my English level gradually.
I'm really satisfied of it!
To sum up the work done during this time, here we have the best compositions or the ones I think the better are:

1. Best podcast
2. Best composition

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