09 de maig 2013

Summer's coming...

Sun, warmth, girls, boys, friends, parties, bikinis, swim, water, ....summer is coming!! In less than a month school will finish and the most important for me: selectivitat exams will have been ended and...my 18 will arrive. It sounds fairly great, isn't it??
Those two weeks will be the final ones so it means that the most important exams in the academical year are arriving. I have to do the final exams and they will be definitives. If I pass, I will have three more weeks free to study hard but if I can't pass I will have to do retakes. So, then I will have two weeks for study selectivitat exams. In case that I failed twice, I would have to do selectivitat exams on September. What a pitty!!

Crossing my fingers and studying hard I will pass at the first.

Once I have done selctivitat I have to go to Mallorca to have fun with some of the collegues from 2nd batxillerat. It will be five fantastic days on the beach!!! There, in Magaluf, I will celebrate my sweets eighteen and I hope it will be really special and different as never before.
To sum up, this summer will be unrepeatable and once-in-a-lifetime!!

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