19 de novembre 2011

Mario Casas, full speed!

Since this week, Mario Casas is in Barcelona for recording the second part of “A tres metros sobre els cielo”, the expected film call “Tengo ganas de ti”, from the italian author call Federico Moccia. 
The productors expect that this second part will have so much succes as the first, as a lot of peolpe, specialy teenagers, are waiting impatiently. Since this week to 30th of December, the actor Mario Casas will be in the catalan capital recording the romance sequel of “A tres metros sobre el cielo”. 

I think that this piece of news will have much impact among young adolescents, specialy between girls, as Mario Casas is one of the most important, famous and attractive actor in Spain. A part of that, 

In my opinion, it affects me because I read and I saw the first film and now, I want to see the unexpected second part of the film. The first film, ended with a tragic final and in the second one, we will see what happen with that. A part, H (the character who represents Mario) will start a new life after returns from London. Will he find his love again? Will he meet his last and important love? All of that and more in the second part of “A tres metros sobre el cielo” wich it will be open in June of 2012.

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