19 de novembre 2011

My oral presentation!!:)

Hello everybody!!
My name is Marina Costa and now i’m going to talk aboutmy life. Well, a lot of people know my life because every year we have to tell, but today, I will tell something special. I will tell about my life yes, but this time I will tell more especificly. So.. let’s start!

I live in Sant Pere Pescador, a small town near Castelló d’Empúries wich has got more than 6 kilometers of beach and seven differents campingside. The river wich crosses the town is called Fluvià, and it flows in the same beach. In this zone, there is a sail school and a campinside near it.
But I don’t live in the center of the town. I live in a development near the center. I live in a big brown and white house with swimming pool with my family; my father called Joan who is 45 years old and he is a busnisses man; my mother called Elena who is 43 years old and she works in my father’s company called Can Pipa; and with my smaller sister called Silvia who is 14 years old and she is a student of Ies Castelló. A part, I live there with my small dog called Trasto, a striking and smaller dog, and with my two tourtles called Perla and Menuda, who they never say nothing.
But before all of that, I will tell what happened to me some years ago.

I was born on 25 of June 1995 in Figueres and i was the first son for my parents. During two years, I was very quiet at home and nobody bothered me. I was the focus of my family, but after these years, something change in my life.
A demon came to life at home, yes a demon came, well... maybe it’s better to say that Silvia came at world. I said that a demon came at world because Silvia was during some years the focus of my family, as she was fun, she was like a clown and she was very nervous, all the contrary that I, as in my infance, I was a shy and a reserved girl, who had never broken a dish. I was always correctly with my family and with the school. My parents passed to have a daughter to have two. They have a couple of daughter: an angel and a demon!
In definetly, they had an entertaining life for some years (still now!).

I did my nursery school in St. Pere, and at the beginig we were only 12 childs. I did my primary school in St. Pere too, and during theses years, we did some exchanges in Montastruc la conseiller (France), we did some trips and the last year, went to Portaventura . We did a theatre and we dressed up as “castanyers”, too.
In 2007, I finished primary school in CEIP Llagut in St. Pere and then, some of my friends and I went to Castelló to study ESO. During these four years, we met a lot of knew people and we made more new friends. I had passed a beautifuls years wich I will repeat more times. The best year, was the last as we went to Italy all together, we did the famous playback and we had passed a lot of magnifics and beautifuls moments alltogether.

When I was litlle, I did judo with Joana and Eva and we did a lot of competitions around Girona. A part of judo, I did swim with my siser in Ampuriabrava and we won some competitions, too. Since I was 7, I started music in the music school in l’Escala, and I started playing the piano, and singing in a choir.

Now, i’m doing first of batxillerat in the same high school and yes, it’s difficult because I’m doing cientific and tecnologhy subjects, and it entail more hours of studying. A part of study, I do the same activities but not alls. I do music in l’Escala, and I play the piano and I sing in the same choir and more over, I’m in a quartet group with Joana, Alicia and Homa. This year is our first and we have some concerts during it. I left swimming because one day I had to competed with girls four years older than me, I finished the last and I was angry and finally, I decided to left it. But I do more sport, too. I’m in a volleyball club in Sant Pere since last year, and I’m the smaller of the group (but it doesn’t matter). We started this year to play matches an for the moment, we had played two matches and we haven’t win yet. I train twice a week for three hours and some Saturdays, we have matches. A part of doing volleyball and music, I study eglish in a english academy for take the first certificate, once a week.

During the week, I spent nine hours of my free time doing activities and I’m sure that next year I won’t do the same, as I’ll study more.

In the future, I don’t know what I’m going to do because there are a lot of careers to choose but maybe, I’ll do something relate with my father’s company, something related with construccion. It’s difficult to choose the future job now, but I know that now I have to study a lot.

And this is all my life. Yes, I’m sure that I told you a little bit but that’s enoought to understand it.

    Thank you for listening and if you want, you can ask me some questions!!

In my opinion, I think that I did a good presentation (in general). I structed my exposition in differents parts, and I explain each one correctly. 
I know, that I didn't say all that I wanted, but it happened because I was very nervous. My voice was trembling, I was missing the air and I didn't see the public so much. A part, my pronuntation wasn't very good of the voice and maybe my expresion wasn't very good, too. From all these mistakes, I will try to be more relaxed next time that I will need to make an oral presentation. 
I know that it's very easy to say that but do it, it's very complicate. 

1 comentari:

  1. Congrats, Marina, you've done an excellent work !
    That's an attractive blog with lots of interesting posts.

    "Don’t ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who are alive."
    ~Howard Thurman
