27 de desembre 2011


On 6th of December 2011 my family (including my uncle, aunt and cousin) and I went to London for 5 days. Nobody of us had been there never ago, so it was our first time in London city. My parents don't speak english so I had to spoke a lot amnd it was a great expirence for me, as my uncles don't speak a lot of english, and my sister and my cousin either.
During these days, we walked a lot and we visited a lot of touristic places. We ate typical food (fish & chips) and we moved there by underground and by red buses and even, we went on boat in the big river called Thames.
It was incredible to visited the beautiful city in Christmas time as all the streets ( not only the important streets) were decorated with lights and Christmas trees. It was spectacular!!!
The weather was very well, as never was raining and almost during all the days, the sun was shinning, but a part of that, we had got cold, and a lot!!
It was a fantastic and amazing trip that I will never forget.
With these holidays I have clear that I would live there in a period of time either for a long or for a short time!
London city was loved me!!! <3

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