02 de gener 2012

First day in London city!

We left at 6:30pm from Sant Pere Pescador because we had to went to Vilafant to left the car in my cousin house, and with that, we could went to Barcelona all together, in the same car.
We arrived in the airport at 10:30pm and we were waiting there since our plane left at 12pm.
We arrived in London airport at 2pm aproximately (in Spanish hour), so in London was 1pm.
There, in the airport, we were waiting a man that we contracted his service, for took us to the hotel. This man was holding an ipad, and there our surnames were writing. We met him and at 3:15pm (aproximately) we were in the hotel.
When we arrived the weather was very cold but althought it didn’t rain.Quickly, we put some winter clothes and we left to explore the big city of London.
This day we visited a part of the city during the night, and we saw the most and impactant bridge of London. We walked a lot and finaly we went to slept because we waited some long and exhausting days!

It was a good started holidays!!:)

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