27 de febrer 2012

Write a letter.

c/Empori nº20
Sant Pere Pescador, Girona
Spain 17470
12th December 2011

The Principal
INS Castelló d'Empúries
c/rentador nº6
Castelló d'Empúries
Girona, Spain 17486

Dear Mrs. Lluïsa Pintó, 

       I am a student of this high school, and I am here since 2007 and for that, I am writing this letter, to give you my opinion of good and bad points of this center. 
       First of all, I want to point out the decoration, as you know, this high school is a bit sad and grey, and if we could decorate it a little bit more, maybe students would be more aware in class. 
A part from this constructive cristicism, I would congratulate you for creating some good initatives like the reading club, the solar race, the Sant Jorge competition, the musical, the newcomers room, ...
       With all of these points, I will like to help to improve the high school, as visually as academically.

Thank you for your time.
       Yours sincerly, 

                                                       Marina Costa

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