25 de febrer 2013

University life!

Last Friday 22 Febrary, part of the second batxillerat class decided to visit the Girona’s University. As the school didn’t organize the outing we had to go on our own. 
At 8:19am we took the train at Figueres station and we arrived at 9:30am at the University. Each one went to those lectures that had chosen and after, we met at the scientific faculty. Part of us, went to lunch at the center, and at 3:48pm the train left, so we arrived at Figueres at 16:25pm aproximately.
   During the morning I assisted at two conferences: the first one I went to see was agronomist engineering with Eva, and this didn’t attrac me, cause I prefer something more technological or economical. At the second one, I attended at Business Administration, Accounting and Finance and Economics conference. It was more interesting but the only the only drawback was that there are about 150 students in each class, and in my opinion it is a lot. 
Moreover, two weeks ago I went to Barcelona for did an admission test at International University. This is a privat one, but it’s the only one around Catalonia that offer a double degree: Business Administration with an organization's engineering  and at the moment this is my favourite one. In a week I’ll know if I am admited or not, and I think that it will be possible.  
   A new period of life will start and I have to chose the best for myself because it'll be my future. 

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