01 de març 2013

Describe a person: Sílvia Costa

Sílvia is my little sister and she is 15 years old. She lives with me and with our parents in Sant Pere Pescador. Moreover we live together with a small dog and with two turtles. 
She doesnt' look like me even though some people say the opposite. 
Sílvia is a tall girl for her age and not really thin. Her eyes are brown but with a bit of green around the pupil. She has a lovely face, as it's round with small nose and full lips. Her hair is curly.
   Nowadays she is studing fourth of ESO at Ies Castelló d'Empúries and next year she will study first of social batxillerat at the same high school. 
She used to play the flute and sing in a choral, but she decided to give up it a year ago. Since 2011 she has been playing volleyball at St. Pere's team, and she is fairly good at it!!
Her passion are the brands and she only wants de best things for herself. She is quite a spoiled girl however, my parents control her shoppings, quite the opposite from me. 
   Finally, I want to say that I admire her, because she is a cheerful person even having problems. She's a bossy girl and a stubborn person. 
I love and I will love her forever, though!!

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