03 de gener 2012

Last day in London city!

The last day had arrived and our plane took off at 3pm, so another man had to take us to the airport at 1pm aproximately.

During the morning, we went to Oxford Street another time and then, we decided to go to Hamley’s shop. It is the most bigger and the most beautiful toys shop that I’ve never seen. It was incredible!! Inside it, there were a lot of dependents that they showed you how you could play with it. With my father, I played with a fun cars, then I painted my nails with beautiful drawings, I painted with felt-tip pens and finaly, a girl put in my hands some thing like a powder that with water it became in snow. We passed a good morning in the most beautiful  toy store in the world!!
We had to lunch quickly because we had to go to the airport.
After two hours of flight aproximately, we arrived at Barcelona airport and after two more hours, we arrived at home.

It was a good holidays with my famil and I hope to repeat it early!!

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