01 de març 2012

Costa Concordia disaster

The Costa Concordia cruiser ran aground on 13th January with more than 4000 passengers on it.                                By the time, sea rescuers have only found 17 bodies, but they belive that it could be more people inside the gigant cruiser. Everything happened the night of 13th January, when most of the passengers were in the dinning room, around  nine o'clock. Suddenly, a loud noise accompanied by a sharp blow, made off alarms. First, the cruiser lurched to one side, and then toward the other. Slowly, the water was coming in, and the panic among the passangers increased. Finally, almost all the people survived and they could arrived at Giglio Porto, where they recived medical attention. Quickly, the captain was arrested as he was the person who decided to diverted to another route.
The big cruiser sank due to collision with a rock.

This news doesn't affects me, because I didn't stay in this cruiser in this moment, so I didn't suffer any consequence. On the other hand, this piece of news aroused my curiosity because in the summer of 2008, my family and I went to the same cruiser for a week. We did the same route but fortunately, we didn't happen anything. We were lucky!!
It's a sad news, because a lot of people died by a human error. 
In this case, the capitan of the Costa Concordia ship is accused and a lot of people are working to find more survivors.

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