13 de febrer 2013

Ciccio dies; the dog waited every day at church to its owner dead

Tommy, the German shepherd who everyone knew as Ciccio, died at the age of 13 years. 
It shocked the world by loyalty to his owner Maria Lochi, who came daily to the church of Santa Maria degli Angelum, in San Donaci (Bridisi, Italy) and who died two months ago of a heart attack.
The dog became famous for mourn the death of his owner, going every day to the church, where the funeral was held for women of 57 years.
   This fact is very sad, as the love from an animal to someone could seems impossible, but here, we can see that it’s not true. 
This piece of news reminds me the film of Hachiko, the dog that died waiting for his owner in a train station ( it was a real story that happened on Tokio on 1935), and for that reason I decided to give it an special importance. 
I’ve got a dog, and since I saw this film I didn’t think that it could be true, but now, and after reading this piece of news, I am really conscious about the loyalty that a dog can has to its owner. 

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