08 de febrer 2013

Volleyball Sant Pere Pescador begins the second phase of ascent home

The senior women's volleyball team from St. Pere begins the second phase of upwards to the Second Division, after winning 14 matches in the first phase. It will take place at the local pavilion next Saturday against CV. Alella. 
The winner of this phase will increase mathematically at the second division, while the second and the third will fight over for the play-off.

I’ve seen almost all the matches played at home, and I only can say that all of those girls are FANTASTIC players. They move very quickly inside the court and of course that few balls get fall down but they overcome it all!!
Nowadays I’m playing volleyball in the same club and one of the girls from this team is my coach and moreover, she is one of the fundators of the club ( apart from other girl who plays in the same team). I hope they can get the first position and  they can increase at second division as they works a lot to get it and they deserve it!!

PD: on my last piece of new, I’ll tell you more about it!

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