27 de gener 2013

Borns a new phenomenon called “Informer”, the Facebook goosip of the Catalan universities

It is called "Facebook gossip" and is sweeping among university people. It was created by three students from de UAB a week ago and it have more than 12000 followers. It consits in a page that allows the students who wishes to contact to another, anonymously. You only have to send a message to this page, and then, they will publish it with an anonymous form. 
This is a way to keep you in the loop if you want to know all the gossips from your university. It can be fun meanwhile your name don’t appear on it, so be careful with your university life!
In my point of view I think that this is a good way to know all that it happens in your university, high school, and moreover in your town, cause everyone likes to know differents gossips of people that knows. But if someone uses it in a incorrectly form, as sending false messages from anyone, the life of some them can change a lot. People have to use it correctly and thinking!

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