12 de maig 2013

Final Reflection!

Batxillerat stage has almost finished and although it seems impossible to say, its really sad. Sad to finish an important part of my life and sad to leave the friends. Meanwhile, a new project of life will start in a few months and its great knowing how your knowledge has improved. 
If we go back ( 2011) and we see my first your-says or piece of news in my blog we can see a gradual improve on my compositions. 
First of all I have to say that my vocabulary has increased a lot! It benefices my expression, my drafted and it permits to give me a wide range of possibilities. I'm really thankful of that, as reading pieces of news and making its summary and opinion make me learnt  a lot of new vocabulary (specific in some cases). 

Apart from the vocabulary, my fluency of speaking, reading and thinking has grown up a lot. In my oral presentations for example, we can see that in the first one, my eye contact and my fluency of speaking were rather bad and poor contrasting to the final one. On that, I was more calm and confident with myself and it's great, as it will be really important in future. Another point to remark, is that my pronunciation has ameliorate truly and its thankful to reading difficult news and especially to have the opportunity of talking with an english native as the ladies who came during the two courses. (I forget the names).

Finally, I want to expose my first composition and oral presentation and the last ones to see how it has improved:

My english competence in 2013!

During approximately 2 scholar years I've writing diferent types of compositions; some of them yoursays, another ones pieces of news, tasks and comments. More than 100 compositions have been wrote by me and only the best ones are linked at the bottom of this one. Doing this blog as an obligated way permitted improve my level of English and thankful to that, now I've got a good one level ! If it wouldn't be obligated, I'm sure I wouldn't write so much as we can see nowadays. 
At first, making this blog seems quite hard and boring and a waste of time but I'm completely disagreement of my first impression. It  makes me improve my English level gradually.
I'm really satisfied of it!
To sum up the work done during this time, here we have the best compositions or the ones I think the better are:

1. Best podcast
2. Best composition

11 de maig 2013

Interview - dialogue

We are situated in a theater presenting the MTV music awards, but before that, I'll interview one of the nominated to know how they feel, ...

I: interviewer //  C: Carly Rae

I- Welcome everybody!! My name is Melissa and I'll be the presentator of this 15th edition of MTV music awards! Are you ready? So..let's go to see how they walk and pose on the red carpet. [...] Here we have the first one!
Good afternoon Carly Rae Japesen, you look incredible!
C- Hello Melissa! hahahah I wear a Chanel dress, well..a spectacular red dress with small diamond earring that make me shine.
I- Wow!! They are amazing! So boys, call her maybe cause she is single nowadays!
C- Ahahahhaha, you know, it's the first time that someone makes this variation. Ahahahah it's a good one.
I- Well Carly, I've got a question for you, that it intrigues me since I saw the video. How could you record "Call me maybe" with those amazing handsome boy? I couldn't do it.
C- I completely agree with your opinion. When I saw him (I refer to the first time), my heart stopped for a few seconds. I was thinking: it's not really, ...Carly wake up! But then, I realized that I wasn't dreaming, it was true. The first recordings were hard but then,  I was adapting. In my opinion it was harder recording the video with the Hollister boys.!
I- Yes..no only one exceptional boy, but twenty of them! A M A Z I N G! Now Carly, it's time to say goodbye. Thanks a lot to give us two minutes of your life and good luck with the prizes. 
C- You're welcome Melissa! See you in another festival. Kisses to everyone. 

10 de maig 2013

A Spanish company launches onto the market mobile covers that prevent 99.99% of radiation

This company has released the cover EM SAFE for mobile phones, made by hand, which reduce emissions of electromagnetic radiation caused by these devices. 
Those covers are made of genuine leather’s materials and 100% wool felt mixed with other art containing 80% nylon and 20% silver. There are two lines to the covers design and its price is around 20 euros each one. 
   The initiative comes on the heels of Mary Passas Varo, a young businesswoman Andalusian, engineering and scientific who after learning the results of the report by the World Health Organization in establishing a significant relationship between the use of mobile devices and increased chances of developing cancer due to radiation by animal testing. 
The electromagnetic fields emitted by the phones have been classified as "possibly carcinogenic" to humans because they relate to a type of brain cancer. This fact is relevant given that there are nearly 5,000 million mobile phones in use today and growing increases among children and adults.

It seems impossible that a mobile phone could emit that high amount  of electromagnetic fields in our lifes, and in my point of view, this initiative is so good for those ones who work frequently with their phones. 
As a personal experience, I have to say that my father uses his phone to talk every hour because of his hard job, so this type of covers can reduce the probability of cancer in a future. If it works, this company will sell a lot and it is the synonim of a good business!
    Meanwhile, my father won't use it although he buy it, as for him it should be rather uncomfortable. 

09 de maig 2013

Summer's coming...

Sun, warmth, girls, boys, friends, parties, bikinis, swim, water, ....summer is coming!! In less than a month school will finish and the most important for me: selectivitat exams will have been ended and...my 18 will arrive. It sounds fairly great, isn't it??
Those two weeks will be the final ones so it means that the most important exams in the academical year are arriving. I have to do the final exams and they will be definitives. If I pass, I will have three more weeks free to study hard but if I can't pass I will have to do retakes. So, then I will have two weeks for study selectivitat exams. In case that I failed twice, I would have to do selectivitat exams on September. What a pitty!!

Crossing my fingers and studying hard I will pass at the first.

Once I have done selctivitat I have to go to Mallorca to have fun with some of the collegues from 2nd batxillerat. It will be five fantastic days on the beach!!! There, in Magaluf, I will celebrate my sweets eighteen and I hope it will be really special and different as never before.
To sum up, this summer will be unrepeatable and once-in-a-lifetime!!

03 de maig 2013

Fast food product should contain a health warning like tobacco

Do you really think that fast food products should contain health warnings? Is it necessary and effective? Will it be useful? I don't think it can improve our health as everyone has the freedom to chose what can eat and when do it.
    Firstly, I belive that most of health illneses are not causal by food but they are produced by how and how much we eat. For that reason, everyone has the responsibility of their actions.
   Secondly, it is true that warning people of what products contain (I refer to health warning) is a good idea for make people aware of their risks, but is it the good way? I don't think so, as everyone has the capacity to decide what is good or but for their own health. 

Finally, in my view, each one has to be aware of what he does and be careful because his health is at stake!!

02 de maig 2013

A rubber duck almost 20 meters high covers the main ports of the world

Florentijn Hofman travels around the world with a singular purpose: to drop traditional rubber ducks in major ports.
This week a rubber ducky of 16.5 meters high are passing through Victoria Harbour Hong Kong (China), although this is not their only destination. The Duch artist is devoted to drop in the main ports of the world this unique toy, traditionally designed to float in the tubs.                                                                 “Bring more love and joy to the city and change the perspective of the Hong Kong skyline’s Victoria Harbour as never again will be the same”, said Hofman about the duck.
   In my point of view, bring rubber duckies around the most important ports of the world is a nice way to give out happiness, like said the author. Moreover, it can increase the tourist in those respectives cities, as if this duck was in Barcelona, I will displace to there in order to see it. Shops, restaurants and hotels near the port could have an important economic injectionWith this yellow duck idea, art has a new way to transmit and who know, maybe in a few months we will see a zoo floating through the Atlantic ocean.